Updating Sametime 12 to FP1. A note about integration with email

I have upgraded my customer server to Sametime 12 FP1.

The process is as easy as 1-2-3 πŸ™‚ Just unzip Sametime_Premium_12.0_FP1.zip into the existing sametime directory (make a copy before, just in case). Run ./install.sh, it will ask you if you want to upgrade; answer Y and that’s all.
All the customization done in .env and custom.env will be maintained.

There’s a but; if you customized docker-compose.yml, the changes will not be kept, it will be overwritten by a new file.

Since integration with mail require a change in docker-compose.yml, you have either to copy that file from your previous installation (you copied it, right?), or edit it and add again

Integrating Domino web mail with Sametime12
Updating Sametime 12 to FP1. Not all customizations are kept

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