A new update of the IBM Verse app for iOS shipped yesterday, is 9.2.4 .
In this update one of the most notable features is the capabilty of syncing contacts betwee Verse and the device; this feature was described in the IBM Traveler 9.0.1 Infocenter but was not available since this update.
For a complete list of the new features see here.
11th November 2015
In the official documentation for Traveler, is said this “IBM Traveler servers must support SSL/TLS and have a valid certificate. For security reasons, the app will not connect to a server with a self-signed, expired or otherwise untrusted certificate, nor will it connect to a server configured for HTTP rather than HTTPS.”
See here
Well…. is not really true. I am using Verse on my iPad and connect to my Domino server, which has a self-signed certificate. Here are the steps needed to make this work.
- Use a browser and access your mail, in this example I am using Firefox. When you see the page, click on the lock icon next to the address

- Click on “More information” then on “View certificates” and then on the “Details” tab. There you see a button “Export”, click on it and export the certificate in crt format.
- Import this certificate into the device, for example sending it via mail. Whe you read the mail and click in the attached certificate, the procedure for adding a profile will start. Follow the instructions and you will find a new profile with the name of the exported certificate in the device.
Now Verse will let you connect to your mail server.
23rd October 2015