Domino Online Meeting Integration
Now that this has been announced publicly at NCUG, btw congrats Hogne for setting up a very useful event, I can talk about DOMI. Me and other Ambassadors have tested it in the last weeks but we were under NDA so we couldn’t share our thoughts.
My fellow Ambassador Cormac Mc Carthy has already done a post on this topic, so here I want to tell something about the configuration.
There is a difference between Sametime and the other online meeting providers you can use with DOMI, i.e. for Sametime you have to edit a Shared Library to tell the url of your Sametime server.
Fire up the Domino designer and open DOMI.nsf. Go into Code -> Script Libraries and edit domiConstantsBE

In there find the string g_DOMI_ROOTURL_SAMETIMEMEETINGS and put inside the two / the url of your sametime meeting server

That’s all. For the other online meeting providers there is nothing to configure, HCL did a wonderful job and everything works out of the box.
Now install DOMI on your mail template, to do so just open the DOMI database and click Install DOMI

Then upgrade the design of your mailfile with the updated template.
That’s it. 5 minutes max to do everything.
How do you use it ? First of all there is a thing to say. Each user must set up the integration using his credentials to get his own token from the providers, so this is not something you do once on the server for all the users. Every user has to create his own meeting credentials. Second important thing is that not all the providers accept free accounts: I set it up with Sametime, Teams and WebEx without problems, but for GoTo Meeting and Zoom you must have a paid account, else it will not work. Their decision, not HCL fault.
Open your mailfile and go in the Calendar. Click on “create” and you will see a new voice
You will see this form
Select you provider, in my example it is WebEx, and click on “Get OAuth Token”. You will be redirected to the provider site and once you authenticate you will see this page with the token. Simply click on the “Copy” button, you don’t have to write it down.

Note: If you use Sametime you will see a slightly different form
It does not use OAuth, but gets directly a token from the Sametime server.
Now go back in your Notes client and click the “paste” button in the Meeting Credentials form.
All of your tokens and credentials can be seen in the “Online Meeting Credentials” view
Now you can schedule, and modify and delete, online meetings with the provider of your choice from the Notes client.
Lutz Geschinsky
6th May 2021 - 11:47
Hello Roberto, where could I get the DOMI-Installation? Could you provide it for testing, I work for a HCL business partner in Germany
6th May 2021 - 14:57
At the moment is not yet available, only HCL Ambassadors can have it for testing. It should be released in a few days for general availability
30th June 2021 - 16:57
Roberto, is there any update yet on the general availability of DOMI?
30th June 2021 - 18:27
It is available in the HCL GitHub repo
5th October 2021 - 09:50
Hello Roberto. I’ve setup correctly a ZOOM free account . The important rule is: the zoom account must have the same e-mail address of the one you use in Domino mail account.
Second rule is: before to get the ZOOM token you need to login on your ZOOM account from the web browser.
Melvin Degiorgio
8th March 2024 - 08:18
I installed DOMI on my mail file and created a mail template file with DOMI integrated and my mail file is pointing to this mail template. But after some time or night time the button of DOMI in calendar disappears. Can you help please?
10th April 2024 - 15:34
Is the update task running at night on you server ? If yes, then it will replace your template with the original one, than doesn’t have the DOMI integration