Sametime 11. How to allow access to mobile clients – Update from HCL
I installed a Sametime 11 server for a customer, everything was working, but the mobile clients could not access the server. Upon trying to login they saw this on their phones
I was not the only one with this problem, other 2 persons I know had the same issue with their installation.
I talked to my friend Andreas Ponte, from Belsoft who told me that they could use mobile clients, so we crosschecked our configurations.
and it turned out that my customer sametime.ini had this line
ST_BRANDING_INFO=entry while his had ST_BRANDING_INFO=standard
As soon as I changed the sametime.ini and restarted, the access from mobile devices was working.
I had installed Sametime withe the option “limited” because this is the license my customer has
So, the solution is simple but I have asked HCL to clarify. As far as I know since V10 the limited license allows the use of mobile clients, and I do not think this has changed in V11
I received a mail from HCL stating this:
For now, the workaround is to add the stanza to the stproxyconfig.xml and NOT change the ST_BRANDING_INFO in sametime.ini, since that setting controls other features/UI of the clients if you are only licensed for ENTRY.
inside the <configuration> element of stproxyconfig.xml.