Sametime 11 FP1 upgrade. A couple of things I found

Sametime 11 FP1 has shipped, so me and my fellow Master and friend Matteo Bisi started upgrading our test servers immediately.
We found a couple of thing you may want to be aware of in order to upgrade successfully.

Upgrading the Community server on Linux
Matteo did a upgrade of ST to FP1, but for whatever reson it failed. He had 23 file starting with st* in the data direcory instead of 40. So he did a uninstall of Domino and installed it again.
When trying the upgrade of Sametime he got this error

The problem is due to the fact that in the directory /var, there is a hidden file named .com.zerog.registry.xml. I looked into that file and found that it contained the information about Sametime 11 FP1

registry install_date="2020-03-10 11:26:39" version="1.1" last_modified="2020-04-09 09:41:28">

<product name="HCL Domino" id="0e1cb10d-1f39-11b2-8202-e8e16a17fbf8" upgrade_id="0e1cb10e-1f39-11b2-8202-e8e16a17fbf8" version="" copyright="2018" info_url="" support_url="" location="/opt/hcl/domino/notes/11000000/linux" last_modified="2020-04-09 09:41:28"

<product name="HCL Sametime Server 11.0 FP1" id="17cc219c-1f40-11b2-8e97-ef3209dd0f10" upgrade_id="a63c37b2-1f3f-11b2-af58-ef3209dd0f10" version="" copyright="2019" info_url="" support_url="" location="" last_modified="2020-04-08 23:05:50">

I told Matteo to remove all the lines relative to Sametime in the file so that it looked like this
After that, the installation of FP1 was successful

Upgrading Sametime Proxy on Windows
When you unzip the file you will see that it contains a directory “sametimeproxy”.
Do not extract it where you already have your SametimeProxy overwriting the content. Extract it in another temporary directory.
From that directory launch install.bat; accept the license and in the following screen you will see this

The installer will recognize there is already a ST Proxy installed and ask you if you want to upgrade. If you select to do it, you will be asked where is it installed

Specify the directory where is your existing ST Proxy
This will upgrade your proxy server keeping the existing configuration.

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  1. Jacques Pineau
    9th April 2020 - 18:41

    On Windows platform I have not bee asked to upgrade
    So start a new installation and pick up the previous customization
    In the fix list they said the stproxy shutdown is now clean, I’m not sure: the openjdk still remains in active processes and causes issue when restarting the proxy


  2. Jacques Pineau
    10th April 2020 - 07:02

    In a temporary directory as you mentionned above

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